Is Marijuana Legal in North Korea?

Article written by

Dipak HemrajMedical Cannabis Researcher
As little is known about the laws of North Korea, the legal status of cannabis is unclear. Some say that cannabis is tolerated in North Korea, or even legal.
An article from Vice News dubbed North Korea as a “weed smoker’s paradise,” and highlighted that many people say marijuana plants grow freely in the country, but this is solely based on anecdotal reports.
Others say that cannabis is illegal, especially given North Korea’s conservative nature. It is, therefore, unknown whether or not cannabis is legal in North Korea.
As tourists can only travel to North Korea as part of an organized tour, gauging cannabis’s legal status and whether or not it is a controlled substance in the country is difficult.
Medical Marijuana Laws in North Korea
As it is unknown whether or not cannabis use is legal in North Korea, it is not possible to say whether or not the country has a medical marijuana program.
Some sources report that cannabis is widely used and tolerated in North Korea, and is called “ipdambae” (잎담배, translated as “leaf tobacco”).
Cannabis is thought to be used by the lower classes in North Korean society as a cheap alternative to cigarettes and to relax after a day of work.
However, these are anecdotal reports, and North Korea’s laws regarding cannabis — medical or otherwise — remain steeped in secrecy.
It is also questionable as to whether or not ipdambae is cannabis or not, with some stating that it is a mixture of herbs and tobacco, and not cannabis.
Can You Grow Cannabis In North Korea?
It is not known whether or not cannabis cultivation is legal in North Korea. There are reports of North Koreans growing cannabis plants or harvesting wild cannabis in the country, but these reports could not be corroborated. Cannabis is cultivated industrially but in the form of low-THC hemp for use as an industrial product and fiber.
The Bottom Line
As North Korea is an authoritarian state with highly secretive laws and legal procedures, the legal status of cannabis in the country is not known to the outside world.
Some anecdotal reports suggest that cannabis is legal, or at least tolerated, in North Korea. Other sources state that cannabis is an illegal drug in North Korea.
The cultivation of industrial hemp is reportedly legal, but only for use as an industrial product. People likely cannot cultivate hemp for personal use.